Dream a Little Dream: A Country Western Romance by Maris Parker & Maribelle McCrea

Dream a Little Dream: A Country Western Romance by Maris Parker & Maribelle McCrea

Author:Maris Parker & Maribelle McCrea [Parker, Maris & McCrea, Maribelle]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: anonymous
Published: 2023-10-01T16:00:00+00:00

Chapter Fifteen – Joire

“Eager to meet me… Plans to show me horses… Ha!” Joire muttered as Tate navigated to the motel. “What a huge mistake this was. I was a fool to think I could take this on.”

“What are you goin’ on about? What happened back there, anyway?” Tate slowed and took a sharp turn into the parking lot of the Coyote Call motel.

“I’m not really ready to go into the details, but suffice it to say, I’ll be picking two horses and getting back to where I belong sooner than we had planned.”

“Now, wait a minute. I get that somethin’ happened, but I can’t believe you’d think of dead headin’ back the way we just came. We’ve got to have a day or two to rest, just to be safe on the road. You don’t want to risk thousands of dollars in horse flesh simply because you’re in a mood, do ya’?”

“A mood? A mood, you say? Listen here, Tate. You and I might be friends, good friends even, but I hired you to do a job. I expect that, as your boss, you’ll do that job to my specs. If I say we’re leavin’ sooner than expected, well, that’s just what we’re gonna do! Now, I’m gettin’ the rooms, but you are on your own for supper.” Joire stalked to the motel office and left Tate standing with his arms crossed and a scowl on his face. Minutes later, he caught the key Joire tossed at him, and without a word, watched as she slammed the door to her room.

Tate simply shook his head as he retired to his room.

Joire tried to sit, but as soon as she did, she bounced back up to pace the small room. Replaying the interchange with Gunner stirred her anger, yet she felt confused, too. He seemed so nice before… Nothing was out of bounds or ungentlemanly in his emails, or even in his casual texts. The whole vibe when she arrived was, well… just wrong. The immediate unease, the creepy feeling when Gunner began to talk to her. It’s like he was a different person altogether. Joire needed to talk to Ashton. Keeping all these thoughts in her head guaranteed a headache at the least and no sleep tonight at the worst. But first, she’d better make arrangements not to go back to the ranch today. I just can’t face it today. I’ll figure out how to handle all this tomorrow. Maybe if I can arrive early, Gunner will be busy with ranch chores. I can approve of my two choices and agree to take them and be back on the road the following day. That would put her traveling on July fourth, so she’d miss the fireworks, as well as the Cody Night Rodeo—and she was so looking forward to that. Nothing said she had to leave right away; maybe once she settled on the horses, she could avoid Gunner and still enjoy Cody and the rodeo. For now, she just had to let Abby know not to look for her later today.


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